I have worked in social services for over 20 years in St. Louis. I found that our family of origin and experiences growing up have an affect on us as adults.
The effects of being neglected, physically and sexually abused, and other experiences are far reaching into how a person responds to life; and sets us up for many of the reasons people seek counseling.
Instead of treating symptoms, I wanted to go to the core of the issues and offer relief and release.
The effects of being neglected, physically and sexually abused, and other experiences are far reaching into how a person responds to life; and sets us up for many of the reasons people seek counseling.
Instead of treating symptoms, I wanted to go to the core of the issues and offer relief and release.
Together we build resilience, Build boundaries, Pull in resources, Navigate trauma, shame and grief, build positive coping skills and support systems, and get grounded so you can continue on your life's journey.
What is trauma? When a persons has been exposed or experienced overwhelming events such as:
What is shame? World-renowned speaker Brene Brown states Shame is "unworthy of love and belonging.” It's an emotion that affects all of us and profoundly shapes the way we interact in the world.
Shame is what happens when:
Shame can cause us to attack ourselves, feel that "There is something wrong with me," dissociate with food and substances,blame others for how we feel, cause rage |
Moral Injury
Moral injury can come from loved ones, our place of employment or friends we trusted.
"A person can have moral injury not only from directly inflicting harm, but also from witnessing it happening, hearing about it, or surviving being harmed. Moral injury from being harmed involves trusting people with power who fail to do the right thing. Experiencing harm may involve feeling betrayed, humiliated, frustrated, furious, and ashamed of being contaminated by evil. People may also do things to survive that violate their conscience and believe they are no longer good." Taken from https://www.voa.org/moralinjury-faq 9/26/2022 underlining is mine